
Our ambitions and work towards a more sustainable tomorrow

The transportation sector accounts for 14% of all energy related C02-emissions globally and has more than doubled since the 70’s. In the EU the transportation sector generates 25% of all transportation C02-emissions.

Without actions and measures, this could increase faster than any other sector. The message is clear from both the EU and many of the member countries – we need to become more efficient and make a shift in technology to enable us to reach the goals of a climate neutral Europe by 2050.

Within Hecksher we strive to act as a responsible partner with both people and planet in mind. We ship your goods anywhere with economy and sustainability in mind.

Here are some examples of how we work to improve.

Shipping made fossil free

Do you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your shipments? Then we have a solution. By switching to renewable fuels on your next booking with Hecksher, you can cut fossil emissions by up to 100 %.

This is how it works

When you choose maritime biofuel insets we replace the conventional fuel needed for the transport with biomethane (LBG). The biomethane is not always used in the specific ship transporting your goods. Instead, it is bunkered onto several ships according to the mass balance principle. When choosing maritime biofuel insets for your shipment, we issue a certificate for the CO2 reduction achieved through the fuel switch.

Ready to reduce your emissions? Join us in a shift to a more sustainable shipping

Contact us!

Efficient Logistics to reduce emissions

Our ambition is to be a competence partner providing optimised logistic solutions and suggesting more sustainable alternatives when available. We always strive to reduce empty mileage in our shipments and optimising routes, and by this we lower emissions.

One example is that a majority of our cargo via the Port of Gothenburg is shipped inland via rail, which significantly reduces emissions compared to regular road traffic.

Selected Suppliers

To be able to work with the markets best and most trustworthy suppliers we perform biannual supplier evaluations. The suppliers must be up to our standards to ensure that we deliver services with the highest possible quality.

We work closely together with our suppliers to develop the services of the future and work for more sustainable and efficient solutions.

CO2 emission reports and Emission Calculations according to verified standards

At Heckscher we track all CO2 emissions from our transports and can offer emission reports to you as a customer. The calculation is done in CO2e (Carbon Dioxide Equivalents) with the EcoTransit, whose emission calculation is compliant with the EN16258. This is a common methodology for greenhouse gas emissions related to transport services. During 2019 Eco Transit was also the first emission calculation tool to become compliant with the GLEC (Global Logistics Emissions Council) framework.

Contact us if you wish to receive your CO2 emission report.

ISO certified

Hecksher is an ISO 9001 and 14001 certified company in Sweden, where we have our headquarters. The ambition is to include all our countries within short.

Working with constant improvements according to their process is an integrated part of our daily work and actions.

An owner with high ambitions

The overall vision for the Greencarrier Group is “Creating a more sustainable tomorrow” and as part of that group that vision also guides us in our business.

Our owner Stefan Björk says: “Sustainability for me is taking long term responsibility for the world around me and the people in it, essentially it is as easy as caring! As a founder and owner of the Greencarrier Group this means that I want us to care for our company and the people who work here, as well as for our customers and partners. As well as for the people around us, the society and the planet. We call this long term commitment and sustainable approach to what we do, the Greencarrier Spirit and it influences the way we do business in all companies of Greencarrier Group.”

You can read more about the Greencarrier Group’s ambitions here.

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, 193 world leaders in the United Nations agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. To reach the goals we all have to get involved, and this is our contribution.

As part of the Greencarrier Group’s ambitions within sustainability we have reviewed all 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development and their 169 targets, and evaluated where we can make most impact. We have defined five prioritized goals:

We should develop our transportation products, our offices and premises towards increased use of clean energy.
We should run our company with a long term perspective to enable economic growth. We have the ambition to be the most attractive employer in the industry.
We should promote an inclusive workplace where people are treated equally. We should work towards equality, fairness and the empowerment of everyone irrespective of origin, religion, gender, age, etc.
We should develop our products to become environmentally smarter. We should ensure responsible handling of waste from our offices and other premises. We should report what we do to develop our work with sustainability.
We should lower our emissions on delivered transport products. We should work to promote green initiatives in our offices and premises. We should promote actions towards cleaner land and oceans by engaging in external networks and evaluating our suppliers. We should develop products that contribute to our environmental goals.

“The partnership with CLOSER means that we get a relevant platform where we can influence the direction and design of the transport and logistics system of the future, together with other players in different sectors. We appreciate the exchange of knowledge, the networking and the concrete projects that CLOSER makes possible.”

Collaboration to improve

To make a difference toward a more sustainable logistics sector we need collaboration. Of course with our customers as well as suppliers, but also with other relevant stakeholders.

That is why we engage in external networks that work toward an efficient and more sustainable future for transport and logistics. One of these is CLOSER.

Giving back to people and planet

Each year the Greencarrier Groups sets aside 1% of the profit that goes to the Greencarrier Spirit Fund. Over the years, our employees have passionately turned the money from the Fund into several successful and rewarding projects. Within Hecksher we have engaged in My Dream Now and Solvatten.

Lack of safe water, poor hygiene and poor health take lives and hinder development for millions of people living in poverty. We have been a partner to Solvatten since 2018 and joined forces to give long lasting help to especially women and children without clean water.

Solvatten is a Swedish invention and a social enterprise making portable solar-powered jerry cans for heating and treating water. By working together in partnership with governments, local organisations and corporations, Solvatten aims to better the lives of millions of people living off-grid.

As part of this collaboration, Hecksher will continue to support Solvatten with logistics solutions during 2022, and this way enable the Solvatten units to reach needing families.

The group has also donated Solvatten units to their climate project in Tharaka, Kenya.